Dear Members, We hope that you are all keeping safe and well through these extraordinary and stressful times! We are very conscious that many of you will be finding it difficult to continue with your group’s activities properly, and indeed, some of you may have reluctantly taken the decision to suspend your usual activities for the time being altogether. We recently held a “virtual” Executive Committee meeting to discuss this summer and how it will affect the Arts and Culture that we all enjoy around Maidenhead. In particular we considered how best we can support you so that when this pandemic is eventually behind us, we can all get back to enjoying our activities as quickly and as enthusiastically as before. I am therefore writing to all our member groups, and putting this message on our website, to let you all know how MAC is proposing to move forward this summer. A) Memberships We have decided to cancel the annual membership fee of MAC for the year 2020/21. Every member group during 2019/20 will have their membership automatically extended until March 2021. B) AGM Our AGM is normally held in the summer, but in the current situation, this is clearly not going to be possible. Rather than trying to arrange a “virtual” AGM, we have decided to put the AGM on hold for now and we are hoping to be able to arrange it sometime in the autumn. Normally the Minutes of the last AGM would be made available at the next one, but in light of this delay, if any member would like to receive the Minutes of the last AGM now, you should contact the Secretary and request a copy. C) Helping you If there is anything that we can do to help your group in some way, this summer, please let us know! We wish you all well this summer and look forward to meeting you all again soon! Best wishes, |
Alan Mellins Chair, Maidenhead Arts Council |