New Maidenhead Choir started in November 2015 and has grown to over 40 members in those years ,we welcome singers of all abilities
( no auditions required.)
Our musical director is Victoria Henshall,
We sing music from a range of styles including folk,gospel,contemporary choral and jazz, and have concerts around three times a year.
In addition to our Concert on Saturday 14th December we sang at:
Choir Festival ,St Albans in October.
Switching on of the Christmas Lights , Maidenhead in November
St Georges Hall in Windsor Castle, December
The Sounding Chamber at Cliveden December
Maidenhead The Big Read March 2020
Beaconsfield Festival of Choirs March 2020
We regularly perform at the UK Choir Festival, and past concert venues have included the the Old Court in Windsor ,St Georges Hall in Windsor Castle . We have also sung at local events such at the switching on of the Christmas Lights, Gin in the Park, Windsor Festival and at Maidenhead Festival
Due to the current Corona virus our usual meetings at 7.45 until 9.30 at St Marys Church 14 St Mary's Walk, High St, Maidenhead SL6 1YY0 on Thursdays have been transferred to the internet and we practice together via Zoom !
Our Summer Term commences on 16th April